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Deadsh!t – page 5

Deadsh!t – page 5 published on No Comments on Deadsh!t – page 5

Ever have that kinda friend that always seems to get you to do things you really don’t want to do? Or friends that just won’t take ‘no’ for an answer? Or don’t listen to what you’re actually saying, because its not what they want to hear?

Morton has just entered the “friend zone”.

Another page with inky goodness by Ryan Vella. Cryptoe has never looked so good.

Deadsh!t – page 3

Deadsh!t – page 3 published on No Comments on Deadsh!t – page 3

Things are already looking uncomfortable for our main man Morty as Julian Grogan makes himself feel at home.

Will the Undertaker’s loving wife, Lucinda, be able to withstand the sexy smoothness of a “Deadsh!t”? Some marriages will never be put to the test like this!

Deadsh!t – page 2

Deadsh!t – page 2 published on No Comments on Deadsh!t – page 2

The second mortifying page is here!

A quiet night at Thunderhead Cemetery is about to be annoyingly disrupted.

The character Julian Grogan, Deadsh!t, was inspired by a certain American superhero artist that built a name for himself designing superhero costumes with lots of pouches, pockets, shoulder pads, and big guns. A couple of his characters remind me a lot of Tad Pietrzykowski’s creations, The Dark Nebula and Grandstander. So I got Tad’s okay to use the Dark Nebula’s costume in this piss-take and have some fun with the idea. Our Deadsh!t just loves Dark Nebula.

Enjoy the fun.

Deadsh!t – page 1

Deadsh!t – page 1 published on No Comments on Deadsh!t – page 1

Welcome to Thunderhead Cemetery and a new adventure featuring our fully munted Undertaker, Morton Stone.

This is the beginning of a story by Gary Chaloner, with the amazing art of Ryan Vella! It introduces the annoying little todge we’ll simply call… DEADSH!T!

This tale and a few others will be part of an upcoming print special: Morton Stone’s Short’n’Curlies, but you can get a taste of things right here as we update this site. Bookmark and enjoy!

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